Saturday 13 November 2010

sketches 4

images from magazine.
magazine image
a photo of cross road
bukit tinggi
dataran merdeka
bukit tinggi
pulau ketam
of higher view
tak mirip pun.
closing the book.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Project Tensegrity

Here is another experiment on tensegrity, a concept introduced by Buckminster Fuller.
 The word tensegrity actually is a merge of 2 words.

For my kind of tensegrity model, all you need is...
bamboo satay sticks, box board (leftover from DYMAXION), brown tape, strings, scissors and blade.

and of course the punch to allow strings to go through the struts.

I made 6 struts. It is supposed to be tetrahedron.

and here are some of my plays on the model i made. It does create unlimited forms!

Project 10B : RUS 101 - XZBIT (DYMAXION)

This was my favourite assignment throughout Semester 1.

Here is the photocopied layout plan for the model.

After cutting the plan, I traced it onto the box board.

Done with the cutting now.

I overlapped the paper and glued them with rubber cement (art glue).

here comes the 3-dimensioning of the DYMAXION.

the insight.

the flaps in the DYMAXION.

the owl.

the bird's eye view.

& all the faces of the DYMAXION.

NEXT, the skin of the DYMAXION.

Pixels of past project pictures.
I was experimenting on how different position of the pixels will affect the big picture they build.

the first face done.

Next try: I did the trimming after the pasting.

the finished product :)